Categories: information

Iatrogenic Disease

I finally know what’s undermining my health. I have been suffering under an iatrogenic illness since last fall of 2017. For some odd reason I had to change my blood pressure medication. I don’t know why…a drug shortage or my coverage wouldn’t allow my continued use. Well, the Nurse Practitioner asked me if I was allergic to Lotensin and I said that my cardiologist said that I shouldn’t take it because it causes coughing. So Nurse prescribed me Benazepril.

My partner and I had to take an emergency trip to New York for family. So I was not focused on my own health but that of a family member. The coughing began gradually and increased to the point that most folk began treating me as if I had pneumonia or TB. Some folk were pretty mean about it. I’m black so the stereotype is that I’m dirty or diseased to begin with. I was a trooper, I kept my focus on helping my family.

So from October 2017 until yesterday well, day before yesterday 03/19/18 I was subject to the poison that is Lotensin. I thought I was exposed to coal dust and diesel fumes from the Amtrak train; or NYC pollution; or smoke from the Tubbs Fire. The Nurse thought I had sinusitis. I was given a 10 day course of antibiotics. When I finished it I had a case of hives. A month later, I showed up at the doctor’s office with a swollen tongue and nose. I was beginning to look like W.C. Fields. Or I thought so. I was late for the drop in appointment so no one would see me. I did tell them about the swelling but no one cared. I went home and mega-dosed on vitamin C and D3. I called an advise nurse who told me to go back to the doctor’s office so I did. The Nurse ordered test. I took the test… In any case, I’ve been getting the run around.

I started campaigning to get another medication because I finally figured out that Benazepril was Lotensin. I really feel the office was making me into a killing joke. Angioderma can be fatal if not treated. I’ve read that the swelling can become infected. I felt difficulty breathing so I mega-dosed on vitamins for relief. My observations on my contact, as a black woman, with the health care system is this: 1) I’m seen as a superwoman who can take all suffering and pain then get back to work 2) I’m seen as a hysterical liar 3)Nothing I say is worth listening to because I’m childish and inferior.
Well, I got my med changed. I called the pharmacist and asked what would be best then called the Nurse to request the change. It took over a week to get the new prescription…with too many calls from me for them to follow through. Arrgh.

I have learned that some ACE inhibitors are made with snake venom. ACE inhibitors cause coughing and secretions in the lungs and sinus. I found these secretions overwhelming. The secretions were coming out of all my orifices in many ways…coughs, vomit, diarrhea. Woe.
I guess the moral to all of this is that we must share our experiences to learn; stand up to iatrogenic dealing doctors/nurses; and Google as much as possible to aid in our self care. Good night and God bless.

Categories: information

Earth Is Queen

Today’s the first day of spring. “Earth is Queen.” That’s what I said during and after the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989. Suddenly, the earth was so much bigger and dynamic than I’d ever expected. I’ve lived through hurricanes in Florida as a child, Dora and Betsy are two I can remember. Waiting for a storm to blow over, you can watch it or sleep through it. But in California, seeing the ground move in waves put me in a level of shock. I’d never expected land to behave like water. Earth is in command and is forever Queen.

It is a shame that morally and mentally ill people are in majority control of society, governments and businesses. It is sad that it’s so difficult to establish and reestablish democracy or something close to being democratic in this world. And it’s strange how easy a majority of people gravitate towards evil. After generations of pruning good and sane people’s heads off with swords, axes and guns we have arrived in the 21st century. At present, Bhutan, maybe, has good governance but where else? Northern Europe made their economies wealthy via slavery and colonialism so they can afford to kick back and enjoy a stable and pleasant steady state society at a lot of folk’s expense. America’s government is in the grip of psychopathic corporate control. We have a crazy government of mostly sweaty- greedy congressmen (with very little self respect) who do the bidding of the moneyed mentally ill. These creatures are happy the Arctic is melting so they can drill oil. They can chart a course from Alaska directly over the North Pole to Europe or Asia. These folk are exuberant over the short term economic and trade ‘advantages’ of global warming.

There are elites out there intent on breathing all the air, eating up all the food, and peeing in and drinking up all the water. They don’t want us to have any of our pretty world to enjoy. Hoarding is still hoarding even when done with shit tons of money. Destroying the planet for profit will profit no one. Living in a palace surrounded by garbage isn’t quality of life…well, maybe for some parasites.

According to Wex Legal Dictionary the Public Trust Doctrine is “The principle that certain natural and cultural resources are preserved for public use, and that the government owns and must protect and maintain these resources for the public’s use.” And “The ancient laws of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian held that the sea, the shores of the sea, the air and running water was common to everyone.[2] The seashore, later defined as waters affected by the ebb and flow of the tides could not be appropriated for private use and was open to all. This principle became the law in England as well. Centuries later, the Magna Carta further strengthened public rights. At the insistence of English nobles, fishing weirs which obstructed free navigation were to be removed from rivers.” From Wikipedia, Public Trust Doctrine.

I mention the Public Trust because an organization, Our Children’s Trust, is suing the president and federal government for failure to protect the public trust for present and future generations. Twenty-one children and young people are signed on to this lawsuit. They range in age from 9years of age to 20. We are supposed to share with our future generations…that’s the normal-healthy human urge to protect the seven generations. They have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our children have rights to the public trust and the commons. I’m so proud of our youth taking a stand for their future and that of life on Earth. Recently, kids have walked out of school to command goodness from their state and federal government to protect them from school shootings and violence. Children shouldn’t have to shoulder this responsibility alone. Adults stand with your children. We must stand with our children. The future is calling.

Categories: information

The People United

Yesterday I saw a video put out by Institute for Middle East Understanding/IMEU on Facebook that showed an Israeli settler setting his dog on Palestinian Shepherds and their flock of sheep. Pissed off I shared that Shepherds should carry knives to defend themselves and their flocks. Then I learned that it is against the “law” in Israel for Palestinians to defend themselves. Another viewer posted a documentary made in 2017 by U.S. Army Veterans/ Veterans for Palestine. The film shows Ahed Tamimi, her family and their Palestinian community daily struggles for empowerment in a violently oppressive Israeli state. Check out this documentary here

Several things strike me about the Palestinian condition. It is very similar to that of Indigenous and Africans here in america. I grew up in the amerikkkan south. The brutality is very similar: dog attacks, violent police and lawless citizens not to mention the lawless government. The USA now sends “our” police to Israel for police cultural exchange and training. Look at the police brutality and murders committed here on a daily basis. In the old days, the nazis used the American paradigm to model their regime on. I see now that zionist have learned though their own historical oppression how to be violent, racist and fascist.
In israel, prisons have been built just for African immigrants. Their plan is to deport Africans to Rwanda to maintain the jewish character of israel. They say they are “proud to be racist”. I’m pretty sure that racism is not the character or the values of Jews. Einstein wasn’t a racist. Many Jews are not in the least bit racist. Israel is aberrant and betrays Jewish history and character. I have read that the Talmud tells the Jews that all other people are animals and only Jews are human. Does that teaching really come from the Talmud? That would be dangerous for Jewish thought if it’s true. That would be supremacist thinking. Zionist regularly exhibit supremacist word and deeds. Who is at the bottom of Zionist generational bud rot?? Who?
I have as much knowledge of how to heal and help Palestinians as I do for Africans and indigenous in the western hemisphere. And that is this: unite to create grass-root congresses regionally, nationally and internationally. That is it. That would work for anyone in this world that wants to free themselves from bs and tyranny. Unify, communicate and act in a positive manner to save your soul. If your government doesn’t consider you in a respectful way…start your own people’s government. The people and the land do not belong to corporations or rogue governments. Human beings are not animals or chattel. The big lie is not the law of any land. It is as it has always been…the people united will never be defeated.
The second Blog should be: “The Anthropocene Era”2/22/19
12 years until the possible collapse of the Anthropocene era and all I hear are crickets. What happened after scientist and the U.N. announced that humanity has 12 years to change our course of action to avert a climate catastrophe? People, for the most part, have gone on doing what they’ve always done…driving polluting cars, eating too much meat and buying stuff that ends up in a land fill or floating in an oceanic garbage patch. Many of us care but we’re living in an 18th century industrial age/corporate trap. You’ve got to go to work. You get paid good money to make rope for your own lynching. “I’m just doing my job.” Just like the Nazis did. So some of us are like deers in the head lights and some of us are in denial. Why are so many not heeding the call to act before it’s too late?
Some of us think the Earth can take anything, use or abuse, and like an old workhorse you can whip it until it obeys or dies. Some folk have a plan to find habitable planets, build spaceships and go kill another planet. Then, there are people who don’t believe in global warming as if it were a god you can elect to believe in. Global warming is a physical phenomenon that is scientifically proved. It’s not a vapor or a mist you can dismiss. Other people have no time. They are the 1% who want to kill the Earth for money. They’re in a hurry to make as much as they can as fast as they can. The other part of that equation is the 99%. The 99% have no time because they’re lackeys of the 1% or they’re wage slaves or actual slaves caught in the system. So these folks have no time. When I was a child old folk would say that so and so doesn’t have enough sense to save his own life. What a shame.
There are people with very tender feelings that never or rarely read or listen to the news. Many of these folk eat meat, wear clothes made by slaves, drink polluted water and take pills they don’t really know what they’re made out of. Their head is in the sand and their ass is fully exposed to danger. But if they don’t pay attention, no one will be around to help them when they suffer the price for willful ignorance.
Now, there are folk who want to solve the problem without humanity changing like they should. One group wants to block the sun in some way. It’s called solar geo-engineering. Supposedly, something artificial can cure a natural problem. Scientist from Harvard will or have introduced a substance, calcium carbonate, via weather balloon into the upper atmosphere to block the sun. They will measure the effects then weigh the side effects and risk. Human beings are so wayward a quick fix is being explored. How about we stop burning fossil fuels and stop eating so much meat/fish?
Surely human beings are intelligent enough to stop doing what is bad for us and can do what is good. Are we fossil fuel junkies? Or are we stewards of the earth? The life and health of the Earth, nature and humanity depends on our actions based in sanity, love and truth.

You listed two/2 “My Problem Began With This Medical Office”. Please eliminate one. Also, blogs weren’t listed by dates but that’s ok.JI originally requested that my website and blogs be easy to use. I hope you followed through with that request. Please. As in the beginning, I’m still a non-technical person. I look forward to ease of use. Let me know anything that makes that more possible. CJG

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