
Categories: Uncategorized

Why Police Should Not Beat or Bully Civilians

I will share why police should not beat or bully civilians: when a police manhandles a civilian, the civilian begins to breathe harder and deeper. When the abuse gets rougher, the civilian hyperventilates. When police call backup and 4-6+ officers team up against 1 person, the civilian begins yelling and screaming. Now, in all this excessive activity, the civilian may be covid-19 positive. Police may be wearing mask and gloves but the virus will attach itself to bare skin and your uniform or even enter the body through the police officer’s eyes. Once the officer(s) are carrying the virus, they will take it to their squad car; they will take it on all their calls; and ultimately, they will take it to their precinct.

Categories: Uncategorized

Eleven Steps To African American Security

  • Rich people gate their community to keep out the unwanted and the uninvited. We Africans must, if feasible, gate our communities.  Gate your homes if the community can’t or won’t. Place a defensible space around your home. Fencing should not allow intruders to see in but you must be able to see out. Make your fence friendly, pleasing to look at but a boundary capable of keeping your family protected and slowing the entry of undesirables and the uninvited. We must hire or train our own community security. City police or sheriff’s deputies should not be patrolling your community without invitation. They should talk to Community Security first.
  • Join the NAAGA/ National African American Gun Association; online. Get local training on how to use a gun and be a safe owner of a defensive weapon.
  • If you’re a dog owner, get your dog trained to protect the family and/or in how to avoid your dog being shot in a police encounter.
  • Rent your local school for weekend school programs for our African children. What cultural or historical education they are deprived of in school is taught in weekend school. African languages, martial arts, sports, business education, household operations, sewing, child development, African drums and dance are all possibilities. In time, build a community center or expand on one.
  • Why just stop with a weekend school? Organize parent cooperative schools, living room homeschools, or a school that suits your religion just don’t let your oppressor educate your precious children.
  • Organize Business Education and Minority Small Business Development Centers for your community. Get black people ready and able to run successful businesses.
  • Organize training in all vocational and infrastructure building trades.
  • Marshal interest in a community transit system to keep youth off the streets; to help very low income workers commute affordably; also to create transportation to assist seniors and the disabled with shopping and appointments.
  • Create Black owned Credit Unions.
  • Create clinic, health centers, birth centers, and hospitals in our community to avoid the abuse of medical racism. Every church or mosque should have a clinic or a credit union or both.
  • We as Africans should have our own community government and council. Organizing our democratic unity in order to plan and act on our uplift and progress keeps us going in the right direction. Community governance can expand into regional, national and pan-African governance; and is good for making alliances and coalitions. Your council and community can elect a spokesperson or expert to speak to local, county, state or national officials. Organizing our community to have it’s own governance formalizes the people’s power and respects their democracy and human rights .
Categories: Uncategorized

The African American Church and Other Grand Old Traditions

Africans world-wide seem to be through with Christianity and Islam. And for the most part I can agree.  I am a believer in God but I’ve always felt that African spirituality is alpha and omega. Before the Jewish, Christian or Islamic there was African spirituality. That indigenous spirituality runs through any modern religion we may adhere to.  It is our DNA that informs our spirit and the spirit that forms our DNA. It’s like God touching Eve’s soul.

God created the first human being and she was black. God created her in Her image: black and woman. This is the spark that lights our way in our soul’s journey.

Jesus was black. This is as The Book of Revelations says. Jesus was a black man who was lynched by Romans. After his death his image was white-washed by the church. Certain books of the bible were re-written/edited to manipulate people. And certain books and passages of the bible warn against tampering with the Word with  strong punishment to prevent the perversion of Truth. Revelations 22:19 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.” When Revelations depicted Jesus as black and Romans and Greeks blasphemed to depict Him as white that was against the Word.

Denying the reality of Jesus and his experience is like denying any other African Ancestor. He was a Cushite Jew who had a profound effect on world history.

Rejecting the black church is another problem. It is similar to throwing the baby out with the bath-water. The church has historically been a unifying center of American black communities. Use the church for it’s historical purpose and power  and reject the rest. Reject the shyster ministers and support liberation theologist. Reject the divide and conquer ministers that genuflect to the GOP. Reject pedophile ministers. Throw all the dirty water out. Unify our people in the church and the mosque. Accept the diversity of the black spiritual experience and throw out the divide and conquer toxin.

Christians and Muslims enslaved blacks and perverted  their faith with greed. They committed crimes for satan. They committed crimes against humanity. Africans used the Faith to survive the holocaust. Think about it, why do you think kkk burn down churches? So many of our heroes were Christians or Muslim: Nat Turner and Denmark Vesey  were Christian Ministers; Harriet Tubman was an African Methodist; Rev.Martin Luther King was a Baptist minister; Fanny Lou Hamer used liberation theology in her activism; Muhammad Ali practiced Sufism; El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz was a Sunni Muslim and minister of his faith. Strengthen the good and extinct all negative traditions. Evolution is life’s rule. If things don’t change and grow, it withers and dies. Our thinking must evolve as does our societies and infrastructure. Clarifying what advancement is is important. Sometimes what’s old has value. Most times, negative traditions must die before it destroys all that is good in and around us. Discerning what lives to evolve and what must go is of great importance. Yes, I speak now of religion/spirituality that has to be winnowed but it is also our black communities and all black nations/Pan Africa that must be refined in this way. Determining what must live and what must be left by the wayside is a priority.  

Racism, colorism, classism, homophobia, sexism, pedophilia, white supremacy, capitalism, poverty, ecocide and all forms hate and destruction must be plucked out of our human functioning. We surgically do this against cancer. Or we use a medication to eject a parasite from our body. Similar things must happen to remove toxic thoughts, words, deeds and traditions from humanity and reality.

Categories: Uncategorized

The Golden Rule

In the Bible, Matthew 7:12, it reads: Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye even so to them: for this is law and the prophets…In other words, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So, if you are a Christian and you follow God’s word then your actions will/should proceed from the Word.

I bring this up because too many Christians subscribe to actions afoul of God’s word. What’s specifically concerning to me is the foul practice of bigotry. Hate is against God’s holy presence and creation. God IS Love. To hate God’s creation is to be against God’s will and is arrogance and waywardness. To turn away from Divine Will is to turn towards hell and to the ways and practices of hell. Your journey is an evil one. Evil intentions flow into deep waywardness and loss.

Why is this a problem? Bigotry is a problem because it is the basis of much abuse, theft, violence and murder (and mass murders like wars).Who are the hated? Blacks, immigrants, all brown people, Semites, women of all races, LGBTQ, the disabled, the homeless…who else? And why? Why, why, why? Everybody has some ‘good reason’ to hate. In psychology this ‘good reason’ is called rationalization. Do you use the Bible to hate? Does one use the Koran, traditions, culture, or old lies whose source is forgotten? Where the hell is your hate coming from? Will hating LGBTQ make you a real man? Will hating Jews make you a better Christian? Will lording over women make you a bigger man? Are you chosen by God to rule the world with domination, an iron fist and with a silver tongue? Are you the chosen Semite and other Semites are not? Are you entitled to your contempt because your skin is white or light? Who gave you the authority to hate? God didn’t die and did not appoint you bull goose looney.

Sometimes folks try to be minimum bigots: “I have black friends” or “I like good Xs”: ‘good negroes’; good women; ‘good indians’; good, obedient, controllable slaves (of one type or another). If they’re not useful then they have to die. This is snowballing from the past to the present. Cold hate requires usefulness, subservience and obedience as a prerequisite for your right to life. Death squads are cold hate in action. Don’t be inconvenient. Stay in your closet. And never forget: Whites Only.

When women are reduced to being “vessels of sin” or the mentally handicapped to being “retarded” the damaging effects created are a two way street. Projecting garbage thoughts onto victims is never good but manifesting vile thoughts, deeds and whole histories is the sign of a disease vector. Psychopaths should be hospitalized and not allowed to run nations. It’s been a grand old tradition, through cowardice, to just let pathology rule. Countless generations have been raised feeling the whip from birth to death.

Shit does come from the top. The abuse and hate we are daily exposed to finds its way into our attempts to fully function normally. Our humanity is eroded and polluted to the point that we are self hating and abusive to one degree or another.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you? What does that mean in YOUR actions?


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Ondinnonk is an Iroquois word with two related meanings: 1. a secret wish
of the soul, especially as revealed in dreams; 2. the spiritual part of our
nature that longs to do good deeds.

How prompt we are to satisfy the hunger and thirst of our bodies; how
slow to satisfy the hunger and thirst of our souls!

—Henry David Thoreau

You will never be able to experience everything. So, please, do poetical
justice to your soul and simply experience yourself.

—Albert Camus

“May I feel all I need to feel in order to heal; may I heal all I need to heal
in order to feel.”

– Marguerite Rigoglioso

Categories: information

Invisible Disabilities

I got a letter from my doctor’s office referring me to a cardiologist. This isn’t about the letter but is related. Did you know that 73% of disabilities are invisible? I and many others have been the target of presumption or presumptuous people or as the Bible would put it presumptuous sinners. To assume without evidence or real proof is to presume.

So, when people with invisible disabilities are out in the world most folk don’t notice us until…we park in a handicapped zone or god forbid, there is a run in with the law. From my own experience, I find that some folk have appointed themselves the official handicapped police. They are bent on policing handicap parking areas when suspicious folk like me show up. I have been watched intensely, how I walk noted, and rude and  presumptuous comments are made in the process of this ‘policing’. Some people have followed me to make their presumption known to me while expressing themselves loudly out of their car window.  I feel like I’m wearing a scarlet letter or something. Have you done this sort of thing??  If you have done this sort of thing…cut it out now. I’m going to add that these intrusive types are not just the able bodied but other severely handicapped individuals. Why do they take it upon themselves to persecute the invisible disabled handicapped? I don’t know. I’m a psychologist not God.

Now, what happens when the ‘unofficial police’ call the police or sheriff? Do some folk with invisible disabilities get harassed, injured or killed by police? Yes. Some do. In 2016 NBC News reported that over half of all police killings were people with disabilities. Police don’t seem to care if you can’t breathe. They don’t care if you have Down Syndrome or you’re schizophrenic or you’re calling out for your momma or your daddy…they just don’t care. I’m just asking my fellow citizens to exercise some  restraint when calling cops on folks. Didn’t you see the placard on the dashboard or the handicap license plate? Some people walk real good but they still have multiple orthopedic injuries. Some people are very frail but look perfectly alright. Who are you to judge? Why is it your damn business to police a handicap parking space???

Who are the invisible handicapped? Well, there are people with all types of handicaps such as those with orthopedic injury, breathing disorders, heart disease, auto-immune disorders, significant fatigue, neurological disorders/damage, TBI, mental illness, developmental disability, chronic pain and more and more and more.  Some handicap people don’t use canes, crutches, walkers or wheelchairs and sometimes those very same people do…when they need to. Please stop putting others at risk by calling the police on them for parking, you don’t want to get somebody hurt or killed. What if the person’s deaf and doesn’t hear police commands? And please stop yelling at or making unnecessary comments to the invisible disabled handicap person. Stop.

Categories: Uncategorized

More Spring than ever Before


More Spring than ever before

Well…the drought is over in California. It flooded this winter in west Sonoma County. It was over the 1986 record of 47 feet. This rain is helping us get past the Tubbs fire of 2017.


It’s been a wet and rainy spring. I’m not complaining.


On my way out on CA Highway 1 going north, I didn’t notice the damage at first. Everything was just beautiful because it’d been some time since I last been up the north coast. But on the way home, I started to notice the burned trees. I kept saying, did they have a fire up here? The land is so damaged. Some trees look like skeletons. And there were so many downed trees.  The earth is so beautiful that you can miss the scars sometimes. As I looked at the environment, I wondered if it was fire or acid rain or both or even a slow subduction (???!).

When I woke this morning, I looked to see if there had been a fire near Sea Ranch. And there had been a fire in 2017. I think that some of what I was looking at was actually acid rain as I suspected but remember fires are also a manifestation of climate change. Climate change is not going to go easy on us. Seeing the effects on Sea Ranch startled me into a new reality.

If you sow bad seeds, you get bad results. You can’t tear up and filthy up the environment and get back better than what you doled out. Monsanto in gives you Monsanto out. If you’re depending on our planet to sustain us all then please do better. Please.

If you don’t give a damn about our planet or humanity then why are you even here? The hard truth is that the homicidal person is a suicidal person. The homicide wants to die but keeps killing everyone around them.  How do communities deal with people like this? How do we deal with ecocidal psychopaths and mass murdering war hawks?

There’s a saying that goes that you can judge a society by their prisons and mental institutions. We must identify these high functioning criminals and other antisocial fellow citizens. They behave in certain ways and manifest certain bad results. Screen people with test and look at the effects they have created in the world. There are humane ways of quarantining certain populations. The criminally minded or severely mentally ill should not be in control of governments or companies that can determine our future. Right now, our future has been compromised by ill thinkers, and bad faith movers and shakers. The earth may not survive this kind of abuse much longer. Ignore this warning at your peril.

Yesterday, I took this note down during my drive in the country. “Nature can show you just how big you can be.” On our way home, my partner and I started talking about driving and how it is a luxury. We spoke on how we’re going to get around in the near future, how we’re going to change and what technologies are appropriate to the environment. To paraphrase what John F. Kennedy said, It’s not what your environment can do for you but what you can do for your environment.

Categories: treatment

Alternatives for Eliminating Drugs and Alcohol

When I was frantically looking up effective treatments for Alcoholism for a family member, I learned that in Europe they don’t rely on sheer will power or god’s mercy like Americans do. Europeans use Naltrexone to cut the grip alcohol has on their ability to remain sober. Naltrexone is taken by prescription under a doctor’s supervision. It basically makes drugs and alcohol less appealing by eliminating the craving. Once you’ve quit drinking, you start taking Naltrexone. Those who want to drink can drink while on the medication, you won’t drink as much because you won’t feel the need. Naltrexone makes moderation possible. See a doctor to assess whether you and your liver are healthy enough to start use of this medication.
Supports for your sobriety are begun by cleansing and detoxing your system. Spirulina and/or chlorella are good for detoxing and are nutritious super-foods. Stop drinking and eating sugar and junk foods. Take herbs that heal and support your body such as Milk Thistle 250mg to repair the liver and St. Johnswort (300-900mg) to ease depression (not to be taken with anti-depression medication). To sleep hops, valerian, passionflower and kava kava can be taken. I save my organic banana peels and make a tea from them which works for me. Magnesium is excellent taken before bed also an Epsom salt bath is relaxing for sleep.
Supplements to be taken are Chromium to stabilize blood sugar, a good b-complex, vitamin C 1000mg 3x a day for detoxing, 5htp 300mg for anxiety ( don’t take with anti-depressants or anxiety medications, and L-glutamine 500mg 3x a day on an empty stomach to stabilize mood.
Getting out in the sun and walking is good exercise and you’ll get some natural vitamin D. Meditation and prayers are good for lowering stress levels too. I hope this information helps you and yours. Enjoy the day.


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